VV Robin (Vijayan)

My group focuses on bird ecology and evolution. We use tools like bioacoustics, phylogenetics and population genetics, along with Remote Sensing and GIS to understand the relationship of birds with their habitats. More details at https://www.skyisland.in/

IISER Tirupati
Designation type:
Faculty/ PI/ Scientist at a University, Institute or NGO
Associate Professor
State/Union Territory:
Andhra Pradesh
Primary focus:
Lab, Field
Primary area of study:
Behaviour--Bioacoustics, Biogeography, Evolution
Primary field sites:

Kodaikanal, Nilgiris, Munnar

Volunteers, Interns, Project assistants, PhD students, Post-docs, Independent researchers
Futher information on opportunities:

Internship opportunites are posted on the YETI mailing list https://www.freelists.org/list/meetyeti
Payment of interns are explicitly stated. Our policy is simple – if you have existing skills that can be used to collect research-grade data independently, we pay for the services. If interns are getting trained and are able to work only with our team, we do not pay.