Directory of Ornithologists

This is a directory of independent/established researchers on birds. It is not a comprehensive listing of those who study birds in India; rather it is currently focussed on those who head labs or groups that help train young people by accepting them as volunteers, interns, Masters students, PhD students, and so on. This directory will be most useful for those seeking such training.

If you are an ornithologist with a lab or group that accepts interns, Masters students, PhD students, etc, and would like to add your name to the directory, please write to [email protected]

Showing 21 - 40 of 40
Nishma Dahal
I am currently working as a DST -INSPIRE faculty at CSIR- Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Pala […]
P Sathiyaselvam
Executing three major and four minor projects funded by Government of India and State Governments. The projec […]
Panchapakesan Jeganathan
We conduct long-term research, monitoring and conservation of globally threatened birds and their habitat esp […]
Pankaj Koparde
Our work is multidisciplinary involving field-lab biology, informatics, and conservation outreach. We special […]
Peroth Balakrishnan
My lab work on various aspects of wildlife biology. We are interested in avian life history evolution, breedi […]
Prachi Mehta
We are interested in understanding distribution patterns, resource utilization and conservation needs of rapt […]
My research focuses primarily on the foraging and breeding ecology of birds related to optimality and prey-pr […]
Rajah Jayapal
I would describe myself as a chronicler of Indian birds, with my primary interest being taxonomy, distributio […]
Rajkamal Goswami
My research is largely embedded within an interdisciplinary framework and is focused towards explaining chang […]
Raman Kumar
Most of my research has focussed on community ecology of birds in the context of anthropogenic modification o […]
Ramana Athreya
I am an (amateur) birdwatcher and also study birds as an ecologist; though, other taxa form the staple of my […]
Rohit Naniwadekar
We aim to understand the impact of anthropogenic activities on tropical bird communities and key ecosystem se […]
Samira Agnihotri
Setting up a long term study to examine the effects of climate change on the breeding biology of the Greater […]
Sivakumar Kuppusamy
My first wildlife research was on the Breeding Behaviour of the Nicobar megapode that I have been continuing […]
Sumit Dookia
GIB Community Conservation Program (in collaboration with ERDS Foundation NGO, in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan) Red- […]
Suresh Kumar
My core interest has been natural history, the basic understanding, especially of lesser-known and threatened […]
T R Shankar Raman
I focus on the ecology and conservation of tropical forests and wildlife—especially rainforest plants, birds, […]
Tsewang Namgail
I work on the ecology of birds and mammals in the high mountains of the Himalayas. My main interest lies in t […]
Umesh Srinivasan
We study how forest degradation combines with climate change to impact Himalayan biodiversity at multiple lev […]
VV Robin (Vijayan)
My group focuses on bird ecology and evolution. We use tools like bioacoustics, phylogenetics and population […]